GENERAL INFORMATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE is the website of our company in Tenerife, owned by Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com, with address at Avenida Tres de Mayo, 30, in Edificio Ahlers, planta 1ª, 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, registered in the Commercial Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (NIF D16481376), and general email address

The purpose of the website is to provide customers with information about our company and to send commercial information about our activities, offers, promotions, etc. that may be of interest to our visitor, if they give us their consent.  



Access, navigation and use of our website implies the express and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of these Terms of Use, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract executed in writing and signed. 

Compliance with these terms and conditions will be required of any person who accesses, navigates or uses our website. If you do not agree to the terms set forth, do not access, navigate or use our website.  



Accessing and using this website gives the visitor the status of user. This means that the user accepts the conditions of use in force at all times, the privacy policy and undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents of the website and to strictly observe and comply with everything set forth in this notice and in the applicable regulations. 

The website requires the user to fill out the contact form to make any inquiry or send us a message, where we request their name and email. 

The user declares, under their responsibility, to be of legal age (18 years or older) and to have sufficient capacity to be bound by these conditions. Likewise, the user agrees to provide truthful information about the registration data and to keep it updated. 


MODIFICATION OF THE PAGE AND INTERRUPTIONS OR ERRORS IN ACCESS reserves the right to make modifications it deems appropriate, adding, changing or removing content or services provided through the website. 



The purpose of the links that appear on this page is exclusively to inform users and customers about the existence of other sources of information about our company on the Internet and on different platforms and social networks belonging to and/or managed by third parties (e.g. Facebook, etc.). The inclusion of these links on the Website is solely for the purpose of facilitating users access to these channels on different platforms and social networks. 

Our company Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com shall not be liable for the results obtained through these links. Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com does not control the content, privacy policies, or practices of third-party websites and assumes no responsibility for them. 

The user acknowledges and agrees that Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com shall not be responsible for the availability of external websites or resources, and does not endorse any advertising, products or other materials offered through such websites or resources. 

The establishment of these applications does not imply the existence of any relationship between Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com and the owner, manufacturer or distributor of the linked platform, nor does Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com accept or approve their content and/or services, being the owner, manufacturer or distributor solely responsible for them. 

In no case does Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com share any private information about its users with Facebook or any other social network that may be incorporated in the future, its sole purpose being the one established in these General Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as in the Website’s Privacy Policy. In this sense, all information that the user wishes to provide will be their sole responsibility, with Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com not intervening in this process 

The user should be aware that their posts on social media will be known by other users, so the user is responsible for their privacy.



Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and state of the art, to guarantee the operation of the website, minimize system errors, both from a technical, legal and organizational point of view. 

If the user becomes aware of the existence of any illegal, unlawful content, contrary to the law or which could constitute an infringement of the rights of third parties, they must immediately notify Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com so that it can take appropriate action. 


Confidentiality and Data Protection 

The personal data associated with this website complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the current legislation and regulations on the protection of personal data. 

Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com will process the personal data collected during the use of the Website, complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, on the protection of data) and Spanish regulations (Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights) regarding data protection. Thus, the submission of data by interested parties is entirely voluntary and is duly announced. 


Who is responsible for your data? 

  • Identity: Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com
  • Address: Avenida Tres de Mayo, 30, planta 1ª ( Edificio Ahlers) – 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 
  • NIF: D16481376
  • Phone:  682 703 106
  • E-mail: 



For what purpose and how long will we process your personal data? 

Identidad will manually and/or automatically process user data for the following specific purposes: 

  • Contacting the user to respond to their query or message. 
  • The administrative, accounting, and fiscal management of our company. 
  • Sending advertising from our company Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com that may be of interest to you, if you have given us your express consent. At any time, you may revoke said consent. 

What categories of data do we process? 

In accordance with the aforementioned purposes, Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com processes the following categories of data: 

  • Identifying data: name and email address. 


The requested personal data is mandatory, so the refusal to provide them will make it impossible to provide the contracted services. 

The user guarantees that the provided data are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date, being responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm that may arise from the breach of this obligation. 

How long do we keep your data? 

Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com will keep the personal data of users only for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, as long as the granted consents are not revoked. Subsequently, if necessary, it will keep the information blocked for the legally established periods. 

What security measures do we implement to take care of your data? 

From the commitment of Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com to protect the personal data and privacy of users, it will carry out the necessary technical security measures to avoid its loss, manipulation, dissemination or alteration, and the necessary measures to prevent access to user data by third parties. 


What is the legitimization for the processing of your data? 

The legitimization by Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com to carry out the processing of user data is the consent of the interested party, accepting this PRIVACY POLICY. 

The processing of data for the purpose of sending advertising from our company Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com that may be of interest to you is based on the legitimate interest of Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com to carry out such processing in accordance with current regulations. 


To which recipients will your data be communicated? 

Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com informs the user that their data will not be communicated to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. 


What rights does the interested party have? 

You can send us a written request to Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com at Avenida Tres de Mayo, 30, Floor 1 (Ahlers Building) – 38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife or through the email address 

At any time and free of charge, you have the following rights: 

  • To revoke the consents given. 
  • To obtain confirmation as to whether or not Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com is processing personal data concerning you. 
  • To access your personal data. 
  • To rectify inaccurate or incomplete data. 
  • To request the erasure of your data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. 
  • To obtain from Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com the restriction of data processing when one of the conditions set out in data protection regulations is met. 
  • Under certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of potential claims. 
  • To obtain human intervention, express your point of view and contest automated decisions made by Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com, if any. 
  • To request the portability of your data. 
  • To lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, when you consider that Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com has violated the rights recognized by the applicable data protection regulations. 

      At Tendicon Gestiónes y Compañía S. Com we are committed to compliance with regulations and respect for users rights, as well as respect for their privacy. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding how we process your personal data, do not hesitate to contact us through the indicated channels. 

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